Payment Types
Missing payments image
Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing. See Terms and Conditions for online payments

Payment may only be made by Mastercard or Visa. (Up to 1% merchant service fee is applicable).
Application Receipt
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
ApplicationPayments for Building, Complying and Construction Certificates and Development, Rezoning and Tree Works Applications may be made here.
Licencing Receipt
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
LicencePayments for license and/or inspection fee, using the Payment Reference on your Tax Invoice from Council
Rates / Water Billing Receipts
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Rates and Water BillingRates and Water payments may be made here, using your Assessment Number located on your Rates Notice or Billing Number located on your Water Consumption account from Council.
Sundry Debtor Receipt
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Sundry Debtor (Tax Invoice) Payments for Tax Invoices for sundry debtor accounts, using the Account Number or Invoice Number on your Tax Invoice or statement from Council.
Trade Waste Receipt
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Trade WastePay your Trade Waste account here, using the Assessment Number located on your Trade Waste Invoice from Council.